Monday, June 13, 2011

Bits and pieces

It's been a while since I blogged about what I'm doing. Mainly it's translating the manual. I have the translated version so it's not that hard but it takes some time to crop the pictures and make sure they fit in the page without looking too odd.

The other thing I have to do is to 'push' my translations into bzr. It's not that hard, but it took me some time to remember the commands.

to get to the school tool directory.

cd st-book-nep/
then  make clean  // cleans the build directory
and make html     // generates html

there were some problems with the font and underlining. The font somehow got jumbled and did not show clearly in the terminal. And even though the underline looked fine in gedit, I kept getting errors that said the underline was too short.
So, we just made the underline much longer and that seemed to work.

Another error I got was in the toctree. I have to make sure that I add/remove the contents of the toctree as I build.


  1. I'm surprised underlining Nepali in restructured text works at all. That it does is impressive.

  2. Yeah it is! But for some reason it requires extra long underlines.
